An international competition. Tilburg University wanted a new sports complex and invited concepts from architects based on their brief.

“Like the cyclic flow of physical and mental energy through our bodies when we participate in sporting activities, the building strives to create similar rhythms and patterns which both in a formal and abstract way manifest in the architecture.

The building layout could be described as being an energy loop which flows both in the architecture (from the public square, across and up the internal and external terraces, returning down the vertical activity wall), but also in the way the people interact and use the building from the minute they enter to the moment they leave.

The aim to create a variety of multifunctional spaces to suit all, whether we play sport in a public or private environment, inside or outside, with the added advantage of allowing us to choose whether we want to be in a more natural or urban setting for our activity can only lead to a more successful environment for us all to use and enjoy.”